Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): Dissenting Experiences in Teaching Visual Arts

					View Vol. 9 No. 2 (2023): Dissenting Experiences in Teaching Visual Arts

with great enthusiasm and dedication, we present the most recent edition of Apotheke Periodic, entitled “Dissident Experiences in Teaching Visual Arts”. This edition brings to light teaching experiences in visual arts that, in an inventive way, create other ways of reinventing the world and our knowledge. In line with the writings of Ailton Krenak (2022), we understand Art as a possibility for building possible futures. But what futures would those be? These are futures where people and nature coexist without the importance of one taking over the other, futures where Education does not shape, but rather strengthens and enhances life in all its diversity. Above all, they are futures where imagination is encouraged. Furthermore, in this edition, the voices (hooks, 2019) of teachers, students, artists and researchers who challenge the conventional boundaries of visual arts teaching are raised. Their experiences and perspectives enhance the debate about how art can build pathways to think about social issues in a critical-reflective way. It is worth highlighting that the term “dissent” is understood in its poetic form, as it transcends the limits of strict definitions. He invites us to investigate the margins, nuances and diverse manifestations of subjectivity, artistic expression and cultural resistance. In the pages of this edition, we find an invitation to celebrate diversity, to value less heard voices and to appreciate singularity in the midst of multiple universes.

Fábio Wosniak (UNIFAP)

Jociele Lampert (UDESC)

Volume Organizers

Published: 2023-09-19

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